I've been pondering this photo for awhile now. At the precise moment I walked up to the building site, the morning light briefly cast the shadow of a cross framed in the cook-place opening in the screened porch area. I had time to capture the image and then it was gone...if I'd arrived only moments later, I would have missed the sight. So, why am I so captivated by a shadow? As in every part of my life, I try to find deep spiritual meaning in the ordinary. I probably drive some people crazy looking for meaning behind some very mundane things. I find great joy and elements of surprise in the places I can experience the presence of God's Spirit at work teaching me and mostly communicating the depth of the Master's great love for me. So, I'll try to express why this image has kept me pondering for days...
In the image of the cross, perfectly timed for me to view upon arrival, I see the stamp of ownership placed there by the Lord. He is the true project manager of Shepherd's Glen; the overseer of the entire scope of the work. God has seen fit to provide the land, the dream, the plan, the excellent workers to each put their expertise into the interlocking pieces that will become a place designed to glorify the Master of all creation. Being frequently tempted to worry about the mounting costs of construction, I am reminded by the cross to maintain my responsibility which is to keep open hands; hands open to receiving the provision God places there momentarily before passing it onto those to whom He directs. His provision to us becomes His provision through us to others. The cross reminds me to trust and remain faithful to the One who has proven Himself more than full of faithfulness and love towards me. So I am grateful for being able to see this reminder from the Project Manager.
"Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless before the presence of
His glory with exceeding joy,
To God our Savior,
Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty,
Dominion and power,
Both now and forever.
Jude 24-25