It must be our meadow because I am below the cabins...but it does not look like the meadow I have walked around a bizillion times. Every time I am at the Glen I love walking the circumference of this meadow. It is formed by the curving creek at its longest edge and the bluff overlooking the Buffalo at the short bottom edge. I now stood looking at the entire surface skim-coated with inches of fresh mud. Ironically, I have complained that the meadow needed leveling many times. Not exactly the method for leveling I had in mind, but the same result. So, grateful for a clean, smooth slate, I purchased grass seed for our blank canvas. Waiting two weeks, the mud seemed dry enough to walk on. Well, dry enough in most areas, but pushing the broadcast spreader full of seed, I encountered some tricky patches. Fearing it would suck me in, I began to run with my "Scott's SpeedyGreen" bouncing around in front of me; slinging seed haphazardly. Perhaps I will photograph the view when my swaths of strewn seed sprout in creative patterns. Then again, perhaps not...my reputation as a gardener may be in jeopardy.
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