In our family, when you cry because you are so happy or because you are overwhelmed with love and gratitude, we call it having "loving tears". Labor Day weekend brought many opportunities for loving tears to fill my eyes as we moved the first load of furniture, kitchen items, and towels into the main cabin. I went up a day ahead to clean rafters to floor. Grandpa and Grandma Shepherd arrived Friday afternoon with inflatable beds, blankets, quilts (of course!), a lovely porch swing, and a cooler full of food. She was the cupboard and drawer scrubber. Mark and Devin arrived for the dinner meal with the pots and pans. Scott, Greg, and Ryan came on Saturday. We had a wonderful time together getting the few things settled and sharing meals, laughter, and work. Very few items remain until we can call it completed.
After two years of construction, it was surreal to actually be living in the cabin. What a great gift it is. Here are some glimpses of the weekend...
Antique linens from Grandma Shepherd's cedar chest.
Devin slept in the window seat.

Finally got to enjoy the tub!

Grilled burgers and s'mores on the porch.
Cousin Greg was home from college.

Portable table and tripod camp chairs.

Grandpa and Montana enjoying the gathering room.
Scott and Ryan sharing conversation, laughter, and a glass of milk!
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