Furniture Delivery

Sofa and host-chair manufacturing, cushion completion, and table crafting all came together in the same week.  It was perfect timing to schedule the moving van to bring some antiques from home as well as the refrigerator and completed furnishings just in time for friends to gather for a canoe trip in the brisk fall temperatures.  A Man and A Van braved the trek into the wilderness - wondering at times how far off the main road I would lead them.  DCF made the wonderful upholstered furnishings according to Kim's fabric picks and design input.  Terry outdid himself with the dining table and bench seating.  The table top was made from an oak tree that was removed from our home a few years ago.  Terry combined that "new" wood with old timbers to make a work of art.   

1 comment:

Lauren Duncan said...

Love love LOVE the dining table and benches...oh my goodness. They are just as I envisioned. Can't wait to sit up to them and eat something yummy!